Why We Love Anonymous Kmart Donors

Stories like Kmart’s Secret Santa have been popping up all over local and national news networks, spreading rapidly across Facebook and Twitter. When it feels like the only thing we hear on the news anymore is that our economy is tanking, it’s not surprising that an uplifting story is well received and shared. But why has this particular story won the hearts and minds of so many?

One thing is for sure: it’s not about the amount of money donated. Kmart conducts contests all the time, such as this one, that give away much larger sums than the anonymous Kmart donors. We don’t, however see these contests or their winners covered on the evening news.

The difference between a corporate contest and these random acts of kindness can be summed up in one word: authenticity. Being authentic is as simple as being genuine, open, and clear. When a stranger goes into a Kmart to anonymously pay for someone else’s Christmas presents, we sense that this act of giving comes from a place of authentic generosity. And just like The 93 Dollar Club, one small act of kindness can inspire people and lead to positive ripple effects which allow people to do a little more giving from the heart this year.

What acts of authenticity have inspired you this holiday season?